Monday, May 6, 2013

.. some Cards I made...

as I settled here, my creative Ideas just flowed into some
wonderful Cardmaking...and a great gift Idea
a photoframe in
heart shape..

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A new home on Waiheke Island

Christmas in New Zealand,

getting to know Family members here
in this wonderful Country, saying Good bye to our Son Mark,
 to our Son Dirk and his wife,
finding our place to live in, unpacking memories and furniture..
there we are - on Waiheke Island!
I still can´t quite get my head round it,
but it is slowly becoming reality..
a beautiful one as well!
So - making Cards, attending first markets and
planning to offer some Scrapbooking Courses ..
here we go!

Monday, November 5, 2012

the next one to leave...

and again another one to leave Europe... Patsi is flying out tonite ... same flight as Dirk and Lisa took.. we had a wonderful day today together.. so very precious! Found a great camera which we bought of course and watched her pack her stylish suitcases..excitement in the air.. new beginnings! 

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

it is true....

yes the first of the Baigent Family is leaving for the world trip.. Dirk and Lisa are getting ready to fly out tomorrow...
Changes in life are always a chance for new beginnings and getting out of the safety zone is at times scary but also a chance to find out what life is really built on.

As a parent there comes this day when you have to step aside to let your young adults fly and start their own lives. I have to admit it really was not easy but a process. Although they are not close by they always remain dear to my heart. Relationships are the most precious treasure that we all have. Guarding and caring and nurturing them is worth all the effort.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Kochbuch Set

Lieblingsrezepte persönlich schenken
.... oder behalten...

ist hier die Frage! Tatsache bleibt - schon allein die Gestaltung macht Freude und mit den Fotos vom Lieblingsgericht oder auch von gemeinsamen Essen mit Freunden passt hier noch zu den Rezepten dazu! Anleitung und Material findest du unter Scrapperia Viel Freude beim Gestalten!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

People in a box

Jeder hat seine Lieblingsfotos sucht ein Geschenk für Valentinstag oder zum Geburtstag oder einfach so... Das Materialpaket inkl. Schritt für Schritt Anleitung zu haben bei Scrapperia...
einfach reinschaun!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Noch ein Schnäppchen...

Love - Book... grade noch 2 habe ich.. hinter jedem Buchstaben öffnet sich eine Seite die man mit Fotos, Erinnerungen oder Gedichten schmücken kann. Ein Geschenk das auch zum Valentinstag gut passt! Ah, was es kostet? 20 Euro inkl. Postgebühr